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Immediate Shipping! Usually within 20 minutes – even on Sunday! We ship worldwide from the USA.
Immediate Shipping! Usually within 20 minutes – even on Sunday! We ship worldwide from the USA.

Ordering from Australia? Please read this first...

Update (01/08/2023): Sorry, we are no longer using the United States Postal Service (USPS) shipping carrier for packages heading to Australia. While United Parcel Service (UPS) is a bit more expensive, it is FAST and RELIABLE.

Since we have never had a package see long delays or get lost via UPS, we don't expect to be updating this page any further...

If you prefer the USPS First Class method, please contact us and we'll proceed from there. However, we cannot take responsibility for LONG delays - sometimes several months - or packages lost after they arrive in Australia.

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A portion of USPS packages mysteriously stop tracking for a month after landing at an airport in Australia

Update (12/27/2022): We're once again seeing long delays for SOME packages heading to Australia. The bottleneck is the Australian customs agency. You'll find the tracking number indicates a package is processed through Miami International Airport. This means the package was loaded onto a transport plane - and, if you haven't heard any news about a postal carrier plane crash, the package is most likely waiting to be processed by the Australian customs agency. So far, every package has arrived - some just late. Please be patient as this is not an issue with us or our postal carriers, so there's very little we can do if a package is seeing a delay like this...

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Update (08/25/2022): We are noticing that shipments passing through KINGSFORD SMITH, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA are taking unusually long to be processed. If your international orders are typically routed through this area, please expect longer than usually deliveries for the time being...

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Update (06/10/2022): Shipments to Australia are pretty much back to normal now. Every so often there's still an unusually long delay - but the "bottleneck" is the customs agencies as opposed to the shipping agencies. But, as mentioned, these are now far and few between. 

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Update (12/17/2021): Shipments to Australia have been much better over the past month. Still, the USPS is ONLY shipping via their most expensive method, USPS Priority Mail Express International. It's expensive. If you'd like, contact us and we'll do what we can to accommodate other shipping options. We recently added UPS as a shipping option, but are also seeing OUTRAGEOUS costs. So please do contact us if you're not seeing a reasonable option. Thank you very much! 

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Update (11/02/2021): While there are still some shipments that take a long time due to lockdowns and pandemic related delays, shipping has been MUCH better over the past several weeks. While it is possible but unlikely to be an issue for most orders - there are still some agencies in Australia that are understaffed. For those locations, this notice is still important to read...

Also, please note! We're not the ONLY online seller this is happening to. It's not like the customs agencies and shipping agencies of both our countries see "Vendor A" and allow packages to be shipped slowly and less reliably but when they see "Vendor B" go full speed ahead. This is simply a reality we're living in right now during a pandemic. It's just the luck of the draw. We're simply the only online seller openly admitting there are issues. Nobody else wants to risk losing the sale. This is what you call TRANSPARENCY. Honesty...

If you're ordering from Australia, please note that while most packages arrive without ANY delay at all, some packages are experiencing month-long delays sitting at an Australian customs agency waiting to be scanned.

We're receiving numerous emails regarding shipments that have "passed through Miami international airport" (which means the package was placed on an airplane where the next stop is Australia) asking where the package is. 

At that point, unless there's been news of a flight enroute to Australia crashing, the next stop for that package is an airport in Australia where the Australian customs agency must scan the package. 

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and various customs agencies being understaffed, SOME packages are just sitting in a corner with hundreds of other packages waiting to be scanned.

At that point, we cannot provide any further information regarding your package until it's finally scanned by somebody at the Australian customs agency. 

If you contact the Australian customs agency, they will tell you that the package is still in the United States - even though, as mentioned, it passed "through" Miami International Airport. That is not accurate - but they're not going to tell you they're behind. Why? I don't know. 

This has been our experience over the past several months with packages that mysteriously stop tracking after leaving the United States heading to Australia.

Luckily, all our packages have eventually arrived...

If you're in Australia and you cannot be patient and understanding as to the tardiness of your delivery when this happens, please do not place your order with us.

Thank you,

The Support Team at
KDM Warehouse dot com